The Pier Group

What is an island voice? lies at the root of Piergroup’s most recent project. After spending two nights on Papay, its members have tried to expand their ideas; actively feeling their way round their own island perspective; interpreting island life through their individual judgement and unique viewpoint. The collective work creates an island dialogue – mapping the terrain and rhythms of islandness which appear to cultivate identity and our sense of place in the world today.

I found Papay to be an overwhelming experience of the senses. As soon as we stepped off the plane there was an overpowering smell of seaweed; an absolute peace, and the sense of perspective the island provides – it hits you immediately and with force. One of the very first things we did when we arrived was a midnight walk of the Island, making my first tour of Papay in the dark. Thus, I relied heavily on my senses to visualise the landscape of the island. I transferred this into my work the next day, spending my time collecting different types of seaweed from along the shore; recording the sounds of the isle, and sketching it’s mostly untouched landscape.

– Leah Moodie, notes on Papay (23 – 25 June 2017)